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Just a moment, please...

Select what has happened? ?

Could you give us a little more information? ?

What happens when you try to start?

Are there any indicator lights on?

Which of the following applies

How did you notice this ?

Is the spare tyre in the car

Can you see any damage to the car?

Which of the following applies ?

Can you see any damage to the car?

Describe the damage extent.

What did you crash into ?

Could you give us a little more information? ?

Is the car running?

Comments (not mandatory)

When do you need help ?

I am on the highway and the car will not staying on.

My car is parked in a safe place and I can continue my journey.

Vehicle location ?

Confirm the location




Do you know where you need to go?

I have the address of the workshop or other location where the car will be taken to.

We will recommend you a suitable workshop or other location.

Car destination place

Destination will be selected based on insurance policy.

Contact Information

e.g. ABC-123

E.g. 75000
Eg. 0401234657, the number we can reach you on.

Please review the information

Description of the situation

When do you need help
desired date
Pick-up address
Destination address
Vehicle information

Four-wheel drive:
Automatic transmission:
The car is tax-deductible:
Rental car:


Name of the company
Telephone number

payment details


Service provider
REDGO Sweden
Förrådsvägen 2
181 41 Lidingö
OrgNr: 556174-7097

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© Copyright REDGO 2025